It was wrong for the press to villify Meghan and understandable for her to take steps to redeem herself on the Oprah interview.
Meghan's problem lies with the fact that she embraced the victimhood mentality far too quickly and from an outsiders perspective, this seemed a very poor decision.
We really don't know that full details about what happened behind the scenes but in this article, you're doing what countless other writers did to Meghan but instead, you're villfying Kate as a prototype of an 'evil white woman.'
Meghan herself said that Kate apologised sweetly and bought her flowers the next day. It was the media that twisted the story into a false narrative but royals are not allowed to speak publicly on such issues. Yes. it seems backwards but under royal standards, it is beneath them to respond to gossip.
Honestly, I pity Meghan because she is so viciously disliked but it not all is stemmed from pure racism as you claim. Her behaviour and decisions has a lot to do with it.